Sunday 21 February 2016


Here are my initial ideas that I developed for the desertification piece:

From these ideas I decided to choose a house design that will have the pattern of desertification on it, I chose this idea as I thought it is interesting as the element of the architecture is strong and makes a direct connection to my progression root.

Here is the sketch that I created for the piece I did the sketch to help me visualize the final product hen I finish the piece:

I gathered the images that  I needed to create the piece. I made sure that all the images are high quality that they are large files and I did that by using advanced search and filtered out my results.

here is the source of the image:   280132416109028256/6/1/duplex-mehdipatnam-Hyderabad

This is where I obtained the image from:

 I used the software Photoshop to create this piece. firstly I opened the image of the house into the software and then I selected the area that I want the pattern of the desertification to be in, then I opened  the image of the desertification, then I used quick selection to remove the fish out of the picture by using content aware fill, then I zoomed in on the area that still had the outlines of the fish that wasn't removed and I used the spot healing brush to clear and remove the outlines.

 I went back to the house and before I put the pattern inside the house I changed the shadows and light and tired some of the filters to turn it to a colour that is golden so when it can match and relate to the pattern that I will put on. then I cropped the house and used I cloned he pattern from the other image onto the house. then I used the burn tool to make the pattern more realistic, and because the windows are off and don't match the scolourscheme I so I used the sponge tool to darken the window and not make it appear so blue. And here is the process from start to completion.

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