Sunday 21 February 2016

major project plan

Name: Amjad Alshahrani
Major project title: deforestation by buildings
Progression root: architectural technology


The aim of this project is explore the effects and solutions of deforestation that are caused by use of wood in construction of buildings. Since the industrial age, about half of world's original forests have been destroyed and millions of animals and living things have been endangered. Despite the improvements in education, information and general awareness of the importance of forests, deforestation has not reduced much, and there are still many more communities and individuals who still destroy forest lands .the loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people.

forests impact our daily lives in more ways than we can imagine. Just think of how forests have affected your life today.human beings are heavily dependent on forests and the products and services they provide. Forests provide habitats to diverse animal species; they form the source of livelihood for many different human settlements; they offer watershed protection. they prevent soil erosion, help in maintaining the water cycle, and check global warming by using carbon dioxide in photosynthesis.

Yet we are losing forests. Over the past 50 years, about half the world's original forest cover has been lost, mainly because of unsystematic use of its resources. When we take away the forest, it is not just the trees that go. The entire ecosystem begins to fall apart, with dire consequences for all of us.



I have chosen this project because I am really interested in  how our actions in our building material can affect our planet and change the whole climate in our planet and i want to raise awareness on this matter and convey the effects in a way that it will show how sever the impacts are.


I have researched in many fields including photography paintings and general information and statistics on deforestation and I also have researched about the building material and house designs.  Effects of deforestation
•Digital art work 
•Building material

intended outcome 

the continent of the pieces will be as followed:

1. desertification
2. affected species: i will show how  Deforestation and forest degradation can cause wildlife to decline. When forest cover is removed, wildlife is deprived of habitat and becomes more vulnerable to hunting. Considering that about 80% of the world's documented species can be found in tropical rainforests, deforestation poses a serious threat to the Earth’s biodiversity.
3. plantation of new trees to replace the trees that were cut down
4. the use of wooden doors in buildings
5. effects of deforestation on humans
7. a sustainable house


i will create 6 final pieces that will convey the effects of the deforestation that will relate back to the use of wood in the construction of houses.

week 4: i will start planning out my whole pieces with their intended outcome and research. i will create a blog as a sketchbook because i am doing the work digitally. i will start with my first pice which is  about the desertification effect. i will try to record everything on my blog as i go along.

week 5: start on my second piece which is about how is it affecting animals and biodiversity, also record everything on the blog.

week 6: do the third piece which is about the plantation of new trees to replace the new ones.also record everything on the blog.

week 7: do the fourth piece that is consists the side section of a stump filled with doors. blog everything reflect on the work.

week 8: do the fifth piece which is the lungs that are filled with a city with smoke coming out indicating the everything. start working on the presentation.

week 9: work further on the presentation and finish it and prepare your portfoloio , and practice the presentation well.

 that i will use are online images, and i will plan to get really large images though advanced search to guarantee the quality of the image so that when i print it for the portfolio or present it digitally it doesn't appear blurry, and that it shows really clear. i will make sure that i will reference where i got them from so i can make sure that i show that they are not mine.


in this project that i will use images that are not mine which are  published online is still protected by copyright law. If i downloaded images from the net and republished them, use them in posters or newsletters without permission, i will be breaking the law but i will not use it outside my assessment so that wouldn't be officially published.

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