Sunday 21 February 2016

process 2

I thought I would change the piece as the message behind the first piece that I made wasn't effective as I just used the pattern of desertification on a house and while working on it I decided that I will start over, and create a better version of the message that I am trying to convey.

here is my sketch of how I want it to look:

here are the images that I am going to use:

This is the source of this image:
this is where I got this image from:

this is where I got the image from:

this is the source of this image

firstly I opened the image of the desertification as it was the base of my piece, then I opened the other images of the buildings so I can drag them onto the my first image. I used quick selection to select the buildings on the image to so I can fit them nicely onto the image in a nice blended way. then I refined the edges of the buildings and softened them as they had really hard edges I did this in order to make the appearance of hem seem more realistic. then I used curves to change the tones of the buildings and I chose a dark tone because I was going to place the building at the back of the image and in order to give it dimension the building must be darker because they are far away.

 now I had a big space in the middle that I needed to cover so I inserted another image of buildings, I chose this image in particular because it contained the a variety of shapes and lengths of building which will improve the appearance of my final piece.

 I carefully quick selected the areas that I want to put on to my image and then I changed the curves again to make the tones similar to my previous building so they can match so I can be consistent with the tone. then  refined the edge and made it smooth and scaled the image depending on the size that I thought fitted on the back. then I duplicated the layer and dragged it again as there was still a lot of space to be covered with buildings, then I changed the rotation of the image and flipped it so that they don't look duplicated. then I used the burn tool on the desertification near the bottom of the building to made it more realistic and give the sense of space. after that I used an effect to finish the piece off , I used lens flare on the left hand corner to make it appear like it is the sun and give the give the image a suitable setting and also implying the climate change that deforestation causes.

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