Sunday 21 February 2016


Theses are all the research that I conducted for my first piece that is all resolved around desertification that is caused by to factors deforestation and urbanization from the start to the development to completion.

theses are the sources of my images and information:

Mario Veltri, (2016). desertification. [image] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].

N.A., (2016). deforestation. [image] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].

Andree Penner, (2016). amazon deforestation. [image] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].

Daesung lee, (2016). desertification of Mongolia. [image] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].

This digital art piece is by Mario Veltri and I really think that the colour scheme of this piece is very effective at conveying that how negative desertification is for the whole planet as it contains both animal and humans. this is a piece that coveys most of the effects of deforestation and not just desertification, it shows a very strong dramatic sky with very strong dark colour scheme to convey the climate change caused by deforestation and the bones on the ground conveying the reduced biodiversity.

This photograph can also be available at the organisation of World Wide Fund for Nature website. I like how this picture shows the emptiness and lifelessness, which would be a hurdle for upcoming generations.

This is my second research that I conducted to develop my piece as I changed the whole design of the piece because at first I was going to design a gloomy house that had the pattern of desertification, but I changed it because I thought the concept would be better understood if  I used the element of houses in the setting of desertification.

This is a photograph by Andrew Penner that shows the separation and difference of the forest and the deforested areas that. I really like this photograph as it is effective and shows how our actions are affecting the planet. I really thought as the element of the separation is powerful  and I wanted to explore this element in my piece.

A Mongolian government study suggest a quarter of the country has become a desert over the past three decades. Paris-based artist Daesung Lee uses art to highlight a problem threatening the traditional nomadic way of life .
I liked how this picture portrayed a contrast in different nature settings, and I wanted to further explore this idea in my final piece.

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