Wednesday 2 March 2016


Here are my initial ideas that I developed for the desertification piece:

I chose this idea because Deforestation is mainly attributable to human intervention. Therefore, the remedial action should also be through human intervention by afforestation. Human intervention Should be in a balancing scale, where taking from environment should be equivalent to giving back to it.

Here is the sketch that I created for the piece I did the sketch to help me visualize the final product hen I finish the piece:

I gathered the images that  I needed to create the piece. I made sure that all the images are high quality that they are large files and I did that by using advanced search and filtered out my results.
here are the sources:
the second photo is taken by me


I have opened the software Photoshop then I inserted the first image that I wanted to be my background then I opened the photo of the plant and I quick selected the part that I wanted to get rid of the background then I zoomed in and refined the edge of it then I opened curves to change the tone of the plant to make it brighter so it can almost give the impression of light and hope for our planet then I used the burn tool to make my planet and wood stump look realistic and then I opened the image of the building that I took myself and then I dragged it to the main layer that I am working on.

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