I think that what was successful is that my theme is complete as I explored both the effects that deforestation causes and the solutions that can aid into reducing it, this will allow the viewer to accept and understand the solution more as they will have witnessed deforestation's negative effects, and by adding in the effects of deforestation it gives context to the viewers for my solutions as they are more aware of what the problem is.
also I think covering the main effects of deforestation and not just choose what I like to do created the true reality of what really happening to our planet.
I think that my came out really nicely thanks to chosen art medium for my project( digital art) which was appropriate as i had available sources to use to achieve my aim and i chose to creating visual art which images because they can say a thousand words.
I think that fifth piece particularly illustrates my knowledge of wide range of materials that and there advantages and disadvantages.
I think my choice of changing the software design of the house from auto CAD to a more simpler program room sketcher allowed me to focus more on the materials instead of the design it self, which aided me to undergo a more in depth research about the materials.
I could have used colour more effectively in my pieces especially because they portray a negative effect and i should have enhanced that by using stronger colours because colour stimulates our emotions and how we feel towards the piece
I could have gave each of the first four pieces which show the effects of deforestation effective captions to support and increase the message of the piece.
I could have covered all the aspects of house design that can contribute to make it sustainable in addition to the materials the replace wood use to give it a complete form which will make it more acceptable as a finished piece.
in this project that I used images that are not mine which are published online is still protected by copyright law. I should have used creative commons licensed images to avoid this problem but this will create a limited range of options.
Where I would like to see my work?
I would like to see my work being used in campaigns that will change on where the and especially construction of houses and allow them to consider other options other then using wood consistently in their designs.
Friday, 4 March 2016
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Materials (research)
Paper Insulation
A typical house loses 10% of its heat through the windows.
In the UK solar energy is gained through southerly facing windows. Peak absorption for windows facing directly to the south will be during the summer months; Likewise East and West facing windows will experience maximum heat gain in the mornings and afternoons respectively during the summer.
Paper Insulation
A typical house loses 10% of its heat through the windows.
In the UK solar energy is gained through southerly facing windows. Peak absorption for windows facing directly to the south will be during the summer months; Likewise East and West facing windows will experience maximum heat gain in the mornings and afternoons respectively during the summer.
Making cement results in high levels of CO2 output.
• Cement production is the third ranking producer of anthropogenic (man-made) CO2 in the world after transport and energy generation.
Up to 28,000 species are expected to become extinct by the next quarter of the century due to deforestation.
appearance. The main pro point of using solar PV tiles as opposed to panels is their appearance. By using tiles, it is possible to enjoy the benefits of renewable energy without what some may consider the unsightly appearance of large solar panels fixed to the rooftop.
Two-in-one application. Whilst solar panels are fixed on top of the roof, solely providing solar energy, solar tiles provide renewable energy whilst also acting as the main roof covering. This is especially beneficial where the solar PV tiles are used across the entire roof, improving the aesthetic of the roof as a whole.
these are the images that i will use in my diagram:
Eco Friendly Construction Methods and Materials. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].
these are the images that i will use in my diagram:
Eco Friendly Construction Methods and Materials. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].
Solutions, S. (2016). Eco Materials | Products | Sustainable Building Solutions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].
Build It Back Green: Interactive Green Building Guide - Building Materials. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].
Sustainable building: green or eco building - construction to high environmental standards. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].
Here are my initial ideas that I developed for the desertification piece:
I chose this idea because Deforestation is mainly attributable to human intervention. Therefore, the remedial action should also be through human intervention by afforestation. Human intervention Should be in a balancing scale, where taking from environment should be equivalent to giving back to it.
Here is the sketch that I created for the piece I did the sketch to help me visualize the final product hen I finish the piece:
I gathered the images that I needed to create the piece. I made sure that all the images are high quality that they are large files and I did that by using advanced search and filtered out my results.
here are the sources:
the second photo is taken by me

I chose this idea because Deforestation is mainly attributable to human intervention. Therefore, the remedial action should also be through human intervention by afforestation. Human intervention Should be in a balancing scale, where taking from environment should be equivalent to giving back to it.
Here is the sketch that I created for the piece I did the sketch to help me visualize the final product hen I finish the piece:
I gathered the images that I needed to create the piece. I made sure that all the images are high quality that they are large files and I did that by using advanced search and filtered out my results.
here are the sources:
the second photo is taken by me
I have opened the software Photoshop then I inserted the first image that I wanted to be my background then I opened the photo of the plant and I quick selected the part that I wanted to get rid of the background then I zoomed in and refined the edge of it then I opened curves to change the tone of the plant to make it brighter so it can almost give the impression of light and hope for our planet then I used the burn tool to make my planet and wood stump look realistic and then I opened the image of the building that I took myself and then I dragged it to the main layer that I am working on.
This picture shows the increasing deforestation trough years, in order to increase production of palm oil in Malaysia.
N.A., (2016). deforestation. [image] Available at: GGS, (2016). Replanting. [image] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016]. [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].
This image was taken in China, it shows attempts of replanting in the desert. I would like to include the lifelessness of a desert and the process of planting.GGS, (2016). Replanting. [image] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2016].
Here are my initial ideas that I developed for the climate change piece:
I chose the idea of portraying the pollution and urbanisation that contributing to deforestation in lugs because i thought the destruction that is happening in our planet is sever and will be only considered if us humans are going to be affected directly and that's why I chose this
Here is the sketch that I created for the piece I did the sketch to help me visualize the final product hen I finish the piece:
I gathered the images that I needed to create the piece. I made sure that all the images are high quality that they are large files and I did that by using advanced search and filtered out my results.
Here are the sources:

I chose the idea of portraying the pollution and urbanisation that contributing to deforestation in lugs because i thought the destruction that is happening in our planet is sever and will be only considered if us humans are going to be affected directly and that's why I chose this
Here is the sketch that I created for the piece I did the sketch to help me visualize the final product hen I finish the piece:
I gathered the images that I needed to create the piece. I made sure that all the images are high quality that they are large files and I did that by using advanced search and filtered out my results.
Here are the sources:
i opened my age of the lungs and then used the quick selection tool on the lungs to select the parts that i want to put the pattern of the city on it then i used the clone stamp tool to move it on to the lungs because i wanted to create the effect that deforestation affects us in our health and then i inserted the image of the split road and then i used the spot healing brush to remove the part in the middle and then i transformed it to make it smaller then i used wrap to control where the direction of the road is.
i inserted the image of the smoke to imply greater effect which is pollution and that contributes to climate change then i liquified the lungs as they weren't straight and a bit waving and unprofessional and then i cropped unnecessary white space on the sides and hen i was left with a white background and went on pixlr because i know that they have creative background that includes smoke and i wanted to use that because it goes well into context with the smoke that is coming out of the lung.
i inserted the image of the smoke to imply greater effect which is pollution and that contributes to climate change then i liquified the lungs as they weren't straight and a bit waving and unprofessional and then i cropped unnecessary white space on the sides and hen i was left with a white background and went on pixlr because i know that they have creative background that includes smoke and i wanted to use that because it goes well into context with the smoke that is coming out of the lung.

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